Yesterday was our first of a hopefully annual event our Central Puppy Raiser Holiday Potluck Brunch.
Balloons outside the house announced where the brunch was being held. |
We had some balloons out front to announce which house was ours, which may or may not have helped people find the house, but let the hostess get her party on, so all was right with the world. Inside there were plenty of pinecone exposures, for as the manual states, we do need to be on the lookout for pinecones, as decorations, as an exposure.
One of the exposures was Pincone, as decoration. Here is a tree made out of pinecones on a coffee table. |
I did create a huge mantle piece with hanging pinecone balls for the dogs to get their photo taken as proof that they survived the pinecone, as decoration exposure, but in the midst of all the party chaos, I forgot to have everyone do that. Oh well, next year!
Another exposure we had was the wooden bridge across the koi pond. It is at a rather high arch. Several puppies and raisers took advantage of this exposure and tried it.
Elena leads Meredith over the bridge across the koi pond, another exposure for the puppies. |
Fortunately, we didn't have any puppies fall into the pond!
Brian and Essie come back over the bridge and Essie seems to really be liking the bridge if one can judge from her enthusiasm. |
It had been decided that we should start with an obedience lesson to tire the pups out and then go to brunch. That way, there might be a better liklihood of calm, sleepy puppies under the tables.
Bob is handling Jam during some of the obedience. Jam is sitting calming at his side. |
So, everyone met in the side yard for some obedience.
Melisa chats with Stephanie. Carbon is in a sit stay at Stephanie's side. |
And for some reconnecting.
Apollo is intent upon following the next command being given. Here he is standing and staring and waiting. |
Of course, our pups seemed to be very intent on the commands, like Apollo, above.
Bob and Apollo demonstrate the heel command. |
Whereas, the new babypups, well, let's just say, they were super cute and did as well as could be expected for 9 weeks and 12 weeks.
New puppy raisers Lisa and her husband Glen with Dulce. |
Judy and Essie get to know each other before starting an obedience demonstration . |
Half of our puppy raiser group in the obedience circle. |
Carbon and Apollo watch the obedience demonstration with concentration. |
New additions, puppies Orchid and Dulce, however, are more interested in chewing sticks and licking the ground than in paying attention. Typical behavior for very young pups. |
Jam seems more captivated by the new pups than by Judy's demonstration as he is looking in their direction and not Judy's. |
Orchid makes a thorough search of her surrounding area for good smelling things on the ground. |
After obedience, it was inside for eating! We had a great potluck brunch with wonderful dishes provided by the whole group. Thank you everyone! After stuffing ourselves with so much divine delicacies, it was time for the Bad Santa gift exchange.
At the Bad Santa gift exchange, Melisa was the first to open a gift: a blue puppy kong. |
Elena was second and Jam and Bob are entertained by her unwrapping the present. |
The cool gift I opened was a psychological toy, but I didn't get to keep it for long!! |
My toy was pretty cool, but I didn't have it for long. That's the deal with Bad Santa!
Toy stealer 8-) Nancy unwrapping her gift before stealing the cool psychological gift I unwrapped (not that I'm bitter or anything! lol!!) |
Not surprisingly, our resident psychologist wanted the psychological toy for her new puppy. 8-) I ultimately ended up with the super cute post it notes and yam treats (Jam and Willow approve!), so all is well.
Meredith and Essie check each other out during the gift stealing. |
At the end of the meeting we had some tired puppies and some full and tired raisers. A successful brunch, I would say.
Puppy Orchid fast asleep under a chair! |
Cheryl, we are all moving into your house!! You and Fred were the perfect hosts and your home was incredibly warm and welcoming - and your koi pond was crazy cool! What a wonderful morning of puppies and friends and food and fun! Central Pinellas Puppy Raisers ROCK!!!