Thursday, December 22, 2011

Four of Our Puppies Go In For Training in December!

On December 10th, four of our group's puppies went to Guide Dog University to start their training to become guide dogs: Marge (raised by Bev), Commodore (raised by Lois and Bill), Phyllis (raised by Nancy and her family) and Wrangler (raised by Linda and Kerry).

Guide Dog U, as it is called, has become a cherished new tradition as it eases the heartbreak of bringing your puppy back to Southeastern Guide Dogs by focusing on not on what is actually happening (you bringing your puppy back), but by focusing instead on the greater purpose: the puppy's purpose and our work with the puppy.

It all starts with the welcome.
Bev and her puppy Marge in front of Marge's Guide Dog U sign.
 As you come into Southeastern Guide Dogs, the driveway is filled with signs that announce all the puppies that have been accepted into Guide Dog U.  The signs all have their name and the 6-week portrait of them in the harness.

Bill is on the right of Commodore and Lois is on his left in front of his Guide Dog U sign.
 As your puppy's name is called, a trainer will come up to take him or her back to the kennel.  You have an opportunity for one last goodbye before they trot off.  Some raisers cry, some don't, but usually you can count on your puppy walking off with his or her head held high, tail wagging and happy to be going off to their next new adventure.

Nancy and her sons with Phyllis. Phyllis is sitting in front of Nancy. 
And you can be proud that you have given them the confidence to go into another's hands and walk confidently into a new future.
Linda is standing with Wrangler sitting at her side in front of the Guide Dog U sign.
Because that is what we do: we raise confident, well-adjusted, happy puppies.

Of course, after handing off your puppy they send you to puppy hugging for some serious TLC!  Then you come back to listen to some recent graduates talk about how their guide dog has changed their life.  It's a well rounded program, but it all starts with the puppy raiser and the puppy.

So, excellent job Linda, Kerry, Nancy, Lois, Bill and Bev! And good luck to Wrangler, Commodore, Phyllis and Marge.  Study hard.

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