Saturday night our North Pinellas Southeastern Guide Dog Puppy Raiser group tailgated with the South and Pasco groups and went to the Raymond James Symphony Under the Stars for our Saturday meeting.
Puppy raiser Nancy is relaxing with her friend. |
Of course, we had to have some time to chat and eat before the symphony.
John and Fred with their puppies Jam and Mars (a chocolate lab). |
There was a lot of chatting.
Lauren and Carolyn talk by the food table. |
And more chatting.
Mars is one very serious looking puppy. |
I think some puppies were tired of the chatting and wanted to get started. So we did.
Our band of puppies gathers together outside the stadium. |
It was pretty filled up by the time we got in, so we were faced with sitting near the very back or in the sun. We went to the very back and had a great spot.
Fred and Roger are enjoying their lounge chairs as puppies Jam and yellow goldadore Gail lie down quietly. Down in front Stephanie and yellow lab puppy Coastie are enjoying the blanket. |
It was an excellent exposure for both getting the word out about Southeastern Guide Dogs and for the puppies to experience:
- a stadium
- an orchestra
- the school of rock
- huge crowds
And, cheerleaders.
Off to take a photo with the cheerleaders. |
Then Trudy's raiser Theo decided that Trudy and Coastie should have a photo with the cheerleaders.
Coastie and Trudy with the cheerleaders. |
Because nothing is cuter than puppies and cheerleaders. Pom poms can be so distracting.
Trudy, another yellow lab puppy, unlike Coastie, fell into a deep sleep very early on. |
But that wore Trudy out and she slept the rest of the night!
Coastie meets with a fan. |
Coastie, however, was up for greeting more guests!
Finally, Coastie joins Trudy in Slumberland. |
But even he reached his limit and finally conked out.
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