On Tuesday, the Daughters of the American Revolution got together an event to greet WWII veterans and their guardians returning home to the area at the St. Petersburg/Clearwater International Airport. Ultimately, the event on Tuesday was canceled as the people mover hit the plane and damaged it and they had to get a new plane and leave the following day. But, we didn't know that until after everyone was already assembled and waiting for them.
Turns out that wasn't the only little mishap of the evening. As Fred and I walked through the doors of the airport, Jam saw all the puppies and people gathered to welcome, HIM, evidently, and he let out a joyous bark of thanks. Fred and I blushed a deep red. It was just the start of Jam's misunderstanding of the whole evening. What he thought was a huge party in his name only to which he longed to run unimpeded, was for us 20 minutes of exile outside the circle of acceptance.
Jam and Fred walking into the airport. |
It happens. Especially when you are almost a year old and still have all your equipment.
Michele and Roger with Gail, who is sitting and looking up adoringly at Michele. |
All of the puppies were super cute and for the most part obedient. It was a great public relations event as we had lots of people come over to pet them and ask questions.
David and Petey (St. Pete's first puppy, a yellow goldadore) and Ed and Eric the red. |
I tried get Ed and David to both look up at the same time, but when one would look up the other would look down and then the puppies started doing it, so I gave up and this is the best photo of the lot.
Melisa and Duke, her ambassador dog are checking out the scene. Duke, a yellow lab, is sitting. |
South Pinellas puppy raiser group joined us for this event and it was really great to be able to see them all again.
North AC Carolyn schmoozes the crowd. |
Fred and Jam lookin in from the outside of the circle of acceptance. Lonely, so lonely. |
But when you are on the outside, you do listen. Notice that Jam is actually sitting nicely with his head tilted to Fred. |
More schmoozing going on with cute puppies. This is a black lab puppy from the South group. |
Fred tries to angle Jam into the circle so he can actually talk to someone. No luck! |
The Mayor of St. Pete with Petey posing for photos. Duke sits nearby and wonders why they don't photo him. He is just as handsome. |
The event was reschedule for the following night. Jam did not attend. Most everyone else did.
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