From Our Area Coordinator Carolyn:
I want to wish Katy a fond farewell. She's going IFT on January 12th, so she'll miss our next meeting. Good luck Katy, be good, do good. She missed the December meeting because of a heat cycle.
Gail has been adopted and I'm sure the Reese's will tell us all about her new family at the meeting on January 12th.
Speaking of Roger and Michele Reese, they have a new pup. A little black boy named ANDROS. I've met him and he's cute cute cute! (Michele and Roger need to contact Cheryl with his birthday so she can add the ticker info to the webpage.)
Also, Don & Susan Woodman are getting another pup and we welcome them back to the group as a repeat. They are picking theirs up on January 14th, but I sure hope they make it to the meeting on January 12th to get them geared up again. We don't have his name yet. A yellow male goldador. We will have a post in a day or two about their last pup being matched. It is a pretty wonderful story.
Essie's pregnancy is going well. She'll be with Brian Davis and Susan Blair until Jan 21st. I heard Brian got to feel the "kids" kicking last night.
Don't forget I gave homework at the last meeting. Please have your pups busy on the concrete AND please clean their ears (or fake clean them)... I'll be giving homework assignments every month like this, little things we forget about. If you haven't read the new manual, please do so. If you are a repeat raiser, read the new manual to see what is new.
If you haven't been on our calendar yet, PLEASE log on, I've had one raiser have issues, and if it's continuous, we might have to change vendors. If you haven't signed up to get email updates on the blog, please do so on the right-hand column.
Our next 3 meeting dates (as indicated on the calendar) are:
- January 12th at 10:00 am Oldsmar Flea Market on Tampa Rd (I'll email a meeting place ASAP)
- January 24th location TBD
- February 9th
Dr. Edington, our Southeastern vet, sent an email regarding the reformulating and repackaging of Hills Science diet for 2013. His email states: "The bottom line is if the packaging looks different and the formulation written on the outside of the package is different than what was previously being fed, at least a week long transition of the "old food" onto the "new food" needs to take place."
What does that mean for you? It means, don't let yourself get down to the bottom of the puppy food bag! As you near the bottom, go get a new bag, it will be the new, reformulated one, and then slowly, over a week's time period, start adding in the new stuff for your pup's stomach to get used to it.
You will be much happier that you did it this way! Trust me. The other way is sure to involve lots of stomach distress and diarrhea!
Photo of five black lab tiny puppies sleeping in a whelping crib with one sleeping yellowing lab puppy.
Mom Cassidy is doing great whelping Rory's and another mom's litter. The pups are very adventurous as well. Some have already climbed out of the whleping area, so they had to put up the gate.