Saturday was our Southeastern Guide Dog puppy raiser monthly meeting and we had it at the clubhouse at Waterchase. AC Carolyn brought along a host of noisy and innovative distractions with which to subject our puppies and we also used the public.
Children walk by our puppies and serve as distractions as the puppies try to maintain a down stay. |
A mom and her two children were just coming out of the pool, so Carolyn had them walk by the puppies a couple of times to see if any of them would break their down stays. The kids seemed to enjoy being the center of attention and the dogs really liked them as well.
Gail sitting up and staring at the red and black broom making its way toward her. |
Carolyn also brought a broom and swept up the sidewalk. Some pups were curious, like Gail in the above photo. Some didn't care (like Coach).
Carolyn also used silk flowers which she flapped together in front of the dogs. Here she is in front of Gail, but Gail didn't break. |
Carolyn also used silk flowers and a very small red wagon. It was interesting to note which items the dogs reacted to. Gail had no reaction to the flowers. Coach went to smell them. Coach didn't have any interest in the wagon, but Gail was fearful of it.
Gail runs behind Michele when the wagon comes her way. She did come out and go sniff the wagon though! |
These distractions also give Carolyn a good idea of what needs to be worked on with each puppy raiser's dog and she can then give helpful advice to the puppy raiser about what can be done if any of the dogs exhibit any fear reactions. In Gail's case, they were pretty easily able to get her to go sniff the wagon.
Orchid, a yellow goldadore, sniffs at the wagon, but doesn't break her sit stay. |
Babe, a yellow lab, gets some loving by Tim, a new puppy raiser waiting on a puppy. |
Then we all went on a walk that included a wooden bridge that went over a river/creek. Coach did a nifty poo on the move, which was interesting. This was despite my pulling over a couple of times and giving him the opportunity to poo. Sigh.
Puppies laid out on the tic tac toe board on the shady parking lot. All are in a down stay but one in the far corner. |
Then we played a couple of games of puppy tic tac toe and took off for our air-conditioned cars and home!